Mining scraping Plate
1, scraper classification: Divided into forging scraper, welded scraper, casting scraper, steel scraper. Forged Scraper adopts35MnSiForgings, welded scraper for anti-wear manganese steel plate welding, casting scraper for40MnCasting, steel scraping plate quality forMnsi。
The chain is:MnsiFull automatic welding of steel for chain.
The connection ring is:MnsiForged from strength steel.
2, casting, forging, heat treatment, machining and assembly of production processes must meet industry standards;
3, welding parts should reachJB/ZQ4000.3The forgings shall reachJB/ZQ4000.7of the provisions;
4, gray cast iron parts should be reachedGB9439The provisions of malleable cast iron should be achievedGB9440The provisions of carbon steel castings should be achievedGB11352of the provisions.
Requirement description
1, all accessories, on-site mapping, to achieve the use of the original scraper conveyor with the mining side, installation and commissioning must achieve a smooth operation of the scraper conveyor machine, must not appear jumping chain, drop chain, scraper lame card, sprocket and scraper chain normal meshing and removal of the use of demand.
2, this technical specification of raw coal scraper head, tail sprocket and other accessories put forward functional design, structure, performance and selection of materials and tests and other technical requirements.
3, sprocket components, scraper and other accessories(Non-standard parts)The specific dimensions are based on the measured data in the winning party, which is not described in detail in this technical specification.
Pre-factory inspection of equipment
1Drive Sprocket Factory Inspection project, inspection method, sampling scheme and decision rules must meetMT/T465-1995The relevant provisions of the Code for inspection of driving sprocket of mining scraper conveyor.
2The rest of the spare parts factory inspection executionMT/T103-1995《Mining scraping PlateConveyor Factory inspection Code of the relevant provisions.